jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011

My favourite youtube song

My favourite song in youtube is Smack That of Akon and Eminem . I love Eminem and Akon. This song is beautiful and nice . When I listen this song I want to dance and sing . I discover this song for my brother Carlos , he listend every day and I hook. I like the beginning of the song , but I don't like the end.


Welcome to Australia


This is the video , near Judit Duarte

jueves, 2 de junio de 2011

viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

Another earthquake of 7.4 magnitude on the Richter scale has rocked again Thursday northeastern Japan, the area affected by the earthquake of 9 degrees of March 11. After this earthquake, the authorities have issued a tsunami warning along the coast.

http://www.elpais.com/especial/terremoto-japon-2011/ ( in this video you can watch the earthquake)


Last night I watched ''El rey león '' is an animated film . The film takes place in a jungle , I love this film because it is very exiting , nice and spectacular . My favourite actor is Simba , the little lion . The best part of the film is when Simba and Nala sang together the song '' Yo voy a ser el rey león ''. In the end, Mufasa ,of Simba's father fought with Scar and Mufasa won, and the little Simba became a KING. I love ''El rey leon''.


Mina: Hi, Do you know what happened to me yesterday?

Paul: No... what happened?

Mina: I was in the park, when I saw Penelope Cruz!

Paul: No! Are you kidding me ! What did you do?

Mina: Oh, she gave me an autograph!

Paul: Yes? Oh my God ! I don't believe you!

Mina: Ha Ha Ha Ha ,no no , this is a joke!

Paul: ¬¬

martes, 15 de marzo de 2011


Marge discovered a paper. Homer wrote : feeling' fine. At that moment, suddenly Homer appeared. Marge was looking at the wall. In the wall Homer wrote '' Not Tv and no beer make Homer go crazy. Marge took a bat and tried to kill him.


martes, 22 de febrero de 2011


It's name is Tarsier. They actuality in sud-es Asiatic. They eat insects or birds. They are in dangerous exticiont because people kill them. Tarsier are like monkey. Tarsier have got a very big eyes , and her tur is more soft and brown , white or grey . Our weight is between 70 to 165 grams. They have got big ears for detect any noise.

viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011

Marco Polo

Marco Polo was born in 1254th in Venecia ( Italy ). He was a very good explorer. With his father and his uncle, introduced Europeans to Central Asia and China in 1262th . His first route was in 1255th , his father , his uncle and he traveled to Asia. They returned from China in 1266th and they showed the things that they found there.

In the family, Marco wasn't the only explorer, his father Nicolas and his uncle Mateo too. Marco Polo wrote a book , Cristobal Colon has a copy.